The Breakfast Buffet

Just imagine it, you're fresh off the plane with that smell of an unfamiliar city filling your nostrils, you're collecting your bags and waiting for what feels like a day before the conveyor belt starts to move. You hop into the bus because let's face it, your suitcase doesn't slide easily onto the airport bus, … Continue reading The Breakfast Buffet

Australia Day or Robert Burns night?

Australia day actually landed on the same weekend as Robert Burns night in Scotland, where we dress in tartan, eat haggis and listen to bagpipes. Robert Burns night is probably bigger than the St.Andrews day. Robert Burns was a very famous Scottish poet and is a huge part of Scottish culture. Throughout school, we learnt his poems and most famously, Auld Lang Syne.

Camping, Good boys and Torrential rain

This week I’ve decided to change things around and instead of doing my weekend post on Thursday I am going to do it today due to me having another 'weekend' in the middle of this week!! (I'm off to the Fringe wooohoooo). This weekend I went camping, now I really like camping but mainly only … Continue reading Camping, Good boys and Torrential rain