I need some book suggestions!

I go through phases in my life where I fall in and out of love with books.
Currently, this is an In love book phase.

I honestly think it’s down to finding the right book, one bad book and you’ll get out of the habit, give up on it or just forget about it.

As a youngster I absolutely loved Michael Morpurgo’s books, I had almost all of them and read daily. My knowledge of books was pretty good and being able to find one I could get stuck into was relatively straight forward.

Today, I went to the library and I didn’t know where to begin.

Since being in Melbourne I have spent some time at the library, it gets me out of the house on the days that I have no idea what to do, it stops me spending money and allows me to chat to someone completely new. I’ll wander along and chat to the librarians and roam the shelves full of names and pages.

When I was at school I found the libraries particularly easy as they put everything into categories; Mystery, Chicklit, Thriller, Crime etc, but here, the books are only laid out in order of the last name giving me no sense of where to begin.

To be honest, I don’t even know what genre is my favourite, I’ll read pretty much anything that isn’t too scary (horrors give me serious nightmares).

Over the last couple of months I have finished the Trilogy of Jojo Moye’s Me before you, (wonderful books filled with woman empowerment and the sense of never giving up), and most recently Liane Moriarty’s The last anniversary (as I am patiently waiting for her Big Little Lies). But I think I have read too many Chicklit books recently and need something a little different.

I recently came across Reece Witherspoon’s book club on Instagram and decided to give it a follow, however all the books she has recommended are currently loaned out of the library so I cant read them (annoying but also so great that all these people still read!), this is where I got lost.

I didn’t even know where to begin after this, so I picked up a sort of similar book to the last couple, Marian Keyes Watermelon. I am really looking forward to reading it but also in desperate need of some book suggestions that aren’t purely light-hearted ChickLits – so please if you have any suggestions let me know in the comments!

Looking forward to reading them!